I don't know wether to feel angry or relived, but mostly I feel ashamed.
Remember the Nintendo 3DS consoles the boys got from their grandparents? Remember how I posted that they took them to school without my permission and had them stolen? Remember how only First Son even fessed up to it? Remember how Anne of Green Gables confessed to having taken Marilla's broach and dropped it into the water, and how she only confessed so that Marilla would let her go to the picnic?
Need I go on?
I am going to go on. Not because I'm particularly proud of myself, but so that you, Dear Reader, will know that I always write the truth on here. I am not out to make myself look like some superhuman supermom. I won't hide the bad stuff.
The kids and I have been cleaning house and purging like crazy lately, tossing some things in the recycling and putting others aside for the garage sale next weekend. We have been digging right down to the bottoms of the closets, reaching to the darkest back ends of all our drawers. In our front hall closet - way in back and off to the side where it's hard to get at from the ridiculously small closet door opening - was our old recycling box, the little green one that we used before the big blue bins were distributed by the city. There were a whole bunch of things in there, from my winter boots to outside toys like old badminton rackets and hai-lai bats... and First Son's black Nintendo 3DS, complete with its orange Diego protective sleeve! Ho-ly Smokes! This after he confessed to having lost it at school!
I am not ignoring the fact that Second Son's Nintendo had also been thought to be lost. That one being blue, I found a replacement on kijiji and bought it, only to later find the original at home. We ended up selling the replacement for the same price as we had bought it for. Ironically, I just found a black one to replace the one First Son lost, and I had already set up a pick-up time to go get it. Needless to say, I cancelled that.
I asked First Son why he had said that his had been stolen at school, and in the teeniest, tiniest voice imaginable, he said, "I didn't know what else to say when you kept asking where it was." Have you ever felt like a bad parent? Well, I know how it feels.
I felt so bad for First Son. I feel like I pressured him into confessing. I had to apologize to him big time.
So ends the weird tale of two Nintendo 3DS consoles that were received, lost, replaced, unlost, almost replaced again, and found. Again.
Lesson learned? Yep. No more jumping through hoops to try to right all wrongs. The Nintendos were lost. I should have left well enough alone. We found them both in the end. They were here in the apartment all along. I could have saved myself a ton of trouble.
Lesson learned? Yep. No more jumping through hoops to try to right all wrongs. The Nintendos were lost. I should have left well enough alone. We found them both in the end. They were here in the apartment all along. I could have saved myself a ton of trouble.
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