Monday, 30 April 2012

I Almost Forgot: Ask And Ye Shall Receive!

I posted last week about feeling the need to purchase a dryer, but I wasn't quite committed yet, mostly for financial reasons, but also because of all the heavy metals and things that are in dryers that eventually end up in landfills and watersheds.

Well, I wasn't quite committed, but I was kinda hoping and praying to find one cheap. I browsed kijiji for one, but soon gave up the idea for two reasons. First, because the dryers within my price range are really old and I'm afraid they would consume too much energy. Second, because I realized I could never get the thing home, and most people want you to pick the item up. They don't deliver.

Well, great was my surprise - and joy! - when my sons' old teacher dropped by with a bag of clothes that her children had outgrown, and wouldn't I like a dryer because the one she has is just too small for her needs? All I had to do was say yes, because she knew someone who was moving to their new place next (this) week and they could bring it to me since they would have a truck to move with anyway? It was almost too good to be true, but it WASN'T too good to be true!

Today at around 10 AM I got a call to see if I was home, and here is a beautiful, clean dryer in my living room. (Not taking up as much place as I had feared either!)

It that isn't divine providence, I don't know what is! :o)

I'm quite excited to be the owner of my very own dryer for the first time in my life. I can't wait to use it, but I am not going to go overboard: I only really intend to use it for First Son's bedding, so that he can sleep without his dust and dust-mite allergies making him snore. The heat of the dryer kills those suckers dead.

I leave you with a picture:

The place where the dryer is used to be occupied by a rather large filing cabinet, so the space it occupies isn't making much of a change in the grand scheme of things. :o)

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