Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Yoga... aaah!

I finally got back to doing yoga today, after waaaaay too long. I think the last time I went was on my birthday, (Prana Shanti gives you a free yoga class on your birthday), but that was just one class. Before that, I don't think I've been since last fall.

Today I eased into it with a Kundalini And Meditation class. I freely admit that I mostly went for the meditation. I have taken this class before and I must say, there is nothing like meditating to a gong. Its vibrations fill up the spaces inside you and allow you to completely surrender to nothingness. It is such an amazing experience. There are no grocery lists being written in my head when I meditate to a gong, that's for sure! And to think that I almost didn't go!

A already canceled yoga with my sister yesterday, and this morning I was fairly certain that I would do the same today. I woke up with a throat ache that made it painful to swallow. I was tired, grumpy and very pessimistic. I was in an "I hate life and life hates me" sort of mood. To tell you the truth, I don't even know why I ended up going. I have no clue at all...

When I did show up for class, I was feeling very apprehensive. I was feeling heavy and sluggish and basically too fat to get off my butt and do anything. Well, for a person who was feeling apprehensive, pessimistic and grumpy, I was feeling energized, (relieved!) and determined by the end of class. I am now determined to go back, and to make a habit of yoga instead of slipping back down into inertia's clutches.

The lucky thing about this class was that it moved at a good pace. We moved from one exercise to the next at just the right rhythm.  More than once, I was just about to give up because my muscles couldn't take it any more, when the teacher moved us on to another exercise. It was perfect. I did feel some muscle pain, but managed to keep up.

It feels like a big accomplishment to have gone today. I went with my sister, and we have promised each other that we would go again. Also, I am determined to get back into regular practice, and that includes practicing at home. I am putting it in writing here to force myself not to back out. It's official.

Another possible benefit of having gone today is that I might repeat one of the meditations we did, Sat (truth) Nam (self), with First Son. It is a silent meditation. You inhale on the Sat (say it in your head) and exhale on the Nam. It is such a relaxing exercise, I think it might help him go to sleep at night. I'm glad I went to yoga, for First Son, and also for me as a nice time out from the endless worries of life.

So, what are you going to do for yourself today? :o)

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